Dog Field

Terms & Conditions

1.0 - Please do not arrive in the car park more than five minutes before your booking is due to start and please keep your dog(s) in your vehicle until the field is vacant.

1.1 - When entering and leaving the field, please be aware of other dogs around you and give them sufficient space as they may not be as friendly as yours.

1.2 - Please leave on time when your booking is up, especially if another user is waiting. If you are waiting to enter the field please allow sufficient space for the previous user to leave.

1.3 - Please lock the gate when you leave.

1.4 - The maximum number of dogs in the field at any one time should not exceed 6.

1.5 - Your dog remains your own responsibility whilst using the field and should not be left unattended.

1.6 - Please ensure that you close the gate properly behind you when you enter the field. You are responsible for making sure that the gate is secure and that your dog cannot escape through the gate.

1.7 - You are responsible for picking up your dog’s poo and you must pick up after your dog and place it in the bin provided. All other litter is to be taken away with you.

1.8 - There is No Smoking and No fires of any type on the field.

1.9 - Do not allow your dog to dig holes in the field - they may dig in the sand pit.

1.10 - Please take all balls and toys that you bring into the field away with you. If these have been chewed or broken, you must ensure that the field is cleaned up and these are removed. Please be as careful as possible not to drop treats or biscuits if you do and they aren’t eaten please try and collect them. Some dogs like humans can be allergic to certain ingredients.

1.11 - Ashbourne Dog Field cannot be held responsible for anything your dog may eat while its on our premises - you are responsible for what the dog eats.

1.12 - When arriving and leaving please drive slowly down the drive as there is livestock.

1.13 - You agree to the knowledge that there is CCTV in operation at all times.

1.14 - No dogs allowed in the log cabin.

1.15 - All Dogs must be vaccinated to use the field and must have waited the correct amount of time stated by their vets for the vaccinations to be actively working. This is normally 2 weeks after the first set of injections but it is your responsibility to check with you own vet.

1.16 - Puppies are welcome but we require all dogs to be immunised before use of the fields. In addition, we request your dog(s) have up to date worm treatments.

1.17 - You may bring in season bitches to the field.

1.18 - If your dog has developed signs of kennel cough, sickness or diarrhoea in the past 72 hours, we request that you refrain from the use of our facilities. Please note that in the event your dog(s) present symptoms of the conditions previously listed, or any other condition or illness which can or is likely to pose a risk to the health and welfare of any other dogs, field users or staff present then you, your dog and anyone accompanying you, will be asked to leave the field immediately and no monies will be refunded.

1.19 - Furthermore, we will not be held responsible for any injury or illness contracted by any dog or person who uses our field.

1.20 - In the event of extreme weather conditions we may feel it necessary to cancel your booking, wherein we will endeavour to provide reasonable notice of cancellation and will endeavour to offer you an alternative date and time if available.

1.21 - Payment is required at the time of booking, via the website. All personal information and payment details are collected and stored in accordance with Stripe payments and Calendly. More information about how can be found on their websites.

1.22 - By agreeing to the terms and conditions you are happy for us to use any pictures or video of yourself, your dog or your vehicle for social media or the website. (Please inform us via email if you would rather opt out of this.)

1.23 - Refunds will only be given when Ashbourne Dog Field has had to cancel the booking. Bookings are non-refundable.

1.24 - We will not accept responsibility for injury, illness or death of your dog from using our facilities. You are advised to insure your pet for all eventualities. Ashbourne Dog Field accepts no liability for any losses suffered whilst using the company’s facilities. Anyone found or reported for overstaying their slot or breaking any of these special rules may be banned.

1.25 - You accept that your use and enjoyment of the secure field, which includes the car park and path/driveway leading to the field is entirely at your own risk and as such, agree not to hold Ashbourne Dog Field, its owners or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family/friends or your dog(s) arising from your use and enjoyment of the secure field. Moreover, the fenced section of the field is a large outdoor space, with the potential for areas of uneven ground or holes which could be concealed under grass or other vegetation, and could contain other hazards consistent with the countryside and, any as such, any incidence of same which causes or contributes to injury to you, your family, friends or your dog(s); Ashbourne Dog Field cannot be held liable. As part of your use and enjoyment of the secure field; you agree not to let anyone else into the secure fenced area, other than any friends or family members you have brought with you to enjoy walking your dogs.

1.26 - You accept that all equipment in the fields is only for the use of the dogs and you will not climb, play or stand on any of the equipment or permit anyone else to do so. You agree not to hold Ashbourne Dog Field, its owners or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family, friends or your dog(s) arising from your use of the equipment in the field.

1.27 - In the event of bringing a friend or family member, or sending somebody in place of you, you agree that you assume responsibility for their safety and ensure that they abide by these terms and conditions at all times whilst using the field.

1.28 - As part of your use and enjoyment of the field, you agree not to enter any buildings or other parts of the premises, including any restricted areas of the field.

1.29 - The fences and gate are regularly checked. However, as part of your use and enjoyment of the field you agree to be mindful of any holes or other damage to the fence or gate. Such damage may occur from time to time for various reasons, including digging by dogs or other animals (which may cause an opening or breach in either the gate or fence), falling trees or branches and general wear and tear. If you become aware of, or observe, any issue with the condition of the fence or gate, please make us aware immediately so that we can alert other users and so that we can repair it as soon as possible. Ashbourne Dog Field cannot accept responsibility for any dog escaping the field through either the gate or fence, irrespective of whether this is a consequence of a defect in the fence or gate or whether we have notified you in advance or not.

1.30 - Ashbourne Dog Field cannot be held liable for any injury to your dog or for any injury or damage caused by your dog(s) in and around the premises. Accordingly, all dogs must be kept on a secure leash between the car park and the secure field. In addition, Ashbourne Dog Field will not be liable for any injury or damage sustained or caused by your dog in the event that the dog, for whichever reason, becomes untethered. This includes, but is in no way restricted to; your dog running wild in or out-with the car park or path, or suffering injury or harm on near-by road(s), or being attacked by another dog.

1.31 - Complaints are rare but please be advised to raise a complaint - see our complaints procedure.